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In this guide, we will provide information to help you and your community reduce the amount of waste being produced. We will add regular updates about the bin stores as well as tips and guidance around using the facility. The information will also be emailed to you.

For information about how to access and use the bin store, please see:

The Community Contract

There are many people and companies involved in making something as simple as a communal bin store work. If one party doesn’t do their part, the facility can quickly become unusable and very expensive to run.

This Social Contract spells out the commitments made by each stakeholder so that everyone is clear as to what to do to keep the bin store clean, clear and safe to use.

Remember, it’s your bin store. It’s also your neighbours’ bin store too.

Your household

Every household and commercial premises in Ireland is bound by the Household Waste Bye Laws in relation to the disposal of waste.

By accessing the communal bin store, your household agrees:
– To try and reduce and sort the waste produced.
– To not contaminate the recycling bins.
– to follow the T&Cs / house rules for using the bin store.


To help the Owners Management Company achieve these goals, ACCESSGREEN will:
– Communicate clearly and frequently with residents in relation to the shared facilities.
– Monitor and enforce the rules of the bin store in a fair manner.
– Help all parties to make the bin store clean, efficient and safe.

The Waste Collection & Recycling Company

The waste collection company will collect refuse according to their contract with the Owners Management Company and their obligations in Irish law as a licenced waste collector:

The Owners Management Company

To provide a focus for all stakeholders, the Owners Management Company has chosen to support UN Sustainability Goal #12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This relates specifically to the waste reduction and recycling in the development.